
Before you click on the link that follows, you should watch the videos below and then come back to this link


The Big Secret
Do you have a Chronic Illness?
Click on the image below to launch the video [ must see ]
Click on the image below.
Are you suffering from; Digestive Problems, Fatigue, Overweight or Obesity, Clouding of Consciousness (brain fog), Mood Problems/anxiety/depression, Food Allergies or sensitivities thereto, Memory and Concentration, Joint Pain, Seasonal Allergies, Gluten Sensitivities, Insomnia, Skin Conditions, Hormonal Problems, Musculoskeletal Pain, Autoimmune Disease, Eczema, Cardiovascular Problems, High Blood Pressure, Asthma, Menstrual Problems, Diabetes, Mental Disorders, Underweight, Cancer, Kidney Disease, Infertility, Autism Spectrum, Alzheimer's Disease or Parkinson's Disease, you must click on the image below and discover a probable remedy.

A conversation between Jeffrey Smith & Stephanie Seneff hosted by the Institute for Responsible Technology.
If you eat food you need to watch the video below
Click on the image below
Are you drinking tap water, using tap water for coffee or cooking.
If so click on the image below.
Second video on food safety
Click on the image below
Are Seed Oils Behind the Majority of Diseases This Century?
Click on the image below to launch the video.
Click on the image below to launch the video
Click on the image below to launch the video
Immunization, Click on the image below
Disclaimer: Throughout this website, statements are made pertaining to the properties and/or functions of food and/or nutritional products. The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Users assume all responsibility for the application of the content on themselves. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and these materials and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information and/or products on this website are reproduced are not meant to replace and/or to ignore the advice of a practicing physician.

This website, HELPING CANCER VICTIMS, is a FOR PROFIT enterprise. Your support makes it possible for every visitor to recognize there may be an alternative to your well-being. Supporting this mission may save lives. I am trying to spread the truth about cancer, as I see it (non-doctor). Your generous donation will help me to continue this research and expose the truth, as I see it; cancer is not a death sentence, is reversible and or preventable with the right knowledge / information. There is no money available for the prevention of cancer, only for a cure after the fact. If everyone that visits donates one-dollar ($1.00) could save a life by supporting this website, with its alternative view point. What is one life worth? Conventional cancer treatment may cost an individual between $200,000.00 - $1,000,000,00. Most people can afford to pay for the alternatives found on this website that is why (in my opinion) most of these alternative treatments are considered quackery by the FDA and the AMA. Furthermore, none of the remedies discussed herein involve expensive patented pharmaceuticals that have never cured any disease, not one, ever. Come back and visit often, I am just getting started… John Korman (561) 393-0773, please leave a message and I will return your call within 24 hours.
