Are you Acidic or Alkaline? Knowing is a measurement of your overall health.
Hoxsey, the quack who cured cancer.
The Rick Simpson Story
Dr. Bob Beck, D.Sc.
One Minute Cure
Black Salve
Vitamin B17

Dr Max Gerson
Aubrey Keith Brewer Ph.D


Hydrazine Sulfate

Eggplant Cancer Cure

FenBen Cancer Cure

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Essiac Tea
Rene Caisse Story
[Essiac is Caisse spelled backwards]
Part I
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Part II
Part III
Part IV
Essiac tea is a versatile herbal supplement with many benefits. Essiac tea benefits include a boost to the immune system and detoxification of the body. Essiac tea is used by people all over the world for many different health problems as well as for general health and well-being. Essiac tea benefits the entire body in a holistic fashion.

When the body is treated holistically, treatment occurs from the inside out. Because essiac tea addresses the root of the problem for many illnesses and diseases, long-term, permanent healing becomes possible. This is contrary to the action of most medicines, which simply mask symptoms. Many medicines are just a "band-aid" to cover up the symptom, but the underlying problem still exists. This is where the essiac tea benefits of full-body healing and detoxification really shine.

Essiac Tea Benefits: Primary Actions

Essiac tea's primary actions are to remove heavy metals, detoxify the body, restore energy levels, and rebuild the immune system. After this occurs, the body is restored to a level to where it is able to better defeat an illness or disease state using it's own resources.

Everyone comes in contact with viruses and bacteria all the time, and everyone is susceptible to developing health problems. People only get sick because their body's immune system FAILS to fight off the illness or infection. Therefore if the immune system is boosted, many illnesses and diseases can be eradicated WITH NO DRUGS. Essiac tea benefits the immune system more than any other substance we know of.

Here are some essiac tea benefits that have been reported to us and observed in research performed by Rene Caisse and Dr. Charles Brusch at the Brusch Medical Research Center.

Essiac Tea...

1. Prevents the buildup of excess fatty deposits in artery walls, heart, kidney and liver.

2. Regulates cholesterol levels by transforming sugar and fat into energy.

3. Destroys parasites in the digestive system and throughout the body.

4. Counteracts the effects of aluminum, lead and mercury poisoning.

5. Strengthens and improves the functioning of muscles, organs and tissues.

6. Makes bones, joints, ligaments, lungs, and membranes stronger and more flexible, and therefore less vulnerable to stress or stress injuries.

7. Nourishes and stimulates the brain and nervous system.

8. Promotes the absorption of necessary fluids in the tissues.

9. Removes toxic accumulations in the fat, lymph, bone marrow, bladder, and alimentary canals.

10. Neutralizes acids, absorbs toxins in the bowel, and eliminates them.

11. Clears the respiratory channels by dissolving and expelling mucus.

12. Relieves the liver of its burden of detoxification by converting fatty toxins into water-soluble substances that can then be easily eliminated through the kidneys.

13. Assists the liver to produce lecithin, which forms part of the myelin sheath, a white fatty material that encloses nerve fibers.

14. Reduces, perhaps eliminates, heavy metal deposits in tissues (especially those surrounding the joints) to reduce inflammation and stiffness.

15. Improves the functions of the pancreas and spleen by increasing the effectiveness of insulin.

16. Purifies the blood.

17. Increases red cell production and prevents them from rupturing.

18. Increases the body's ability to utilize oxygen by raising the oxygen level in the tissue cells.

19. Maintains the balance between potassium and sodium within the body so that the fluid inside and outside each cell is regulated; in this way, cells are nourished with nutrients and are also cleansed properly.

20. Converts calcium and potassium oxalates into a harmless form by making them solvent in the urine. Regulates the amount of oxalic acid delivered to the kidneys, thus reducing the risk of stone formation in the gall bladder, kidneys, or urinary tract.

21. Protects against toxins entering into the brain.

22. Protects the body against the damage from radiation and X-rays.

23. Relieves pain and unhealthy inflammation.

24. Speeds up wound healing by regenerating the damaged area.

25. Increases the production of antibodies like lymphocytes and T-cells in the thymus gland, which is the defender of our immune system.

26. Protects the cells against the damaging effects of free radicals.

27. Increases the appetite for healthful foods.

28. Decreases sugar cravings due to improved blood sugar control.

29. Increases energy levels.

30. Boosts mood and leads to an improved sense of well being.

Essiac tea ingredients need to be blended according to a specific ratio for the eight-herb blend to have the desired effect.

Interested in buying some Essiac Tea? Send an e-mail to Sterling@HelpingCancerVictims.com and put "Essiac Tea" on the Subject line. I will send you the distributor's contact information. There are many people selling Essiac Tea on the web, using herbs from China containing heavy metals, so beware.

There is more to essiac than just the essiac tea ingredients. While the most effective eight herb essiac formula isn't in the public domain (isn't public information), the eight herbs that make it up is no secret.

Blessed Thistle. The leaves and flowering tops of blessed thistle is most commonly used for digestive problems such as gas, constipation, and upset stomach. This plant is harvested in the summer months. It grows naturally along roadsides across the U.S., peaking in May and June. This is one of the many medicinal thistles that grow around the world. In the past, blessed thistle was looked to as a universal panacea. Now, is now considered most useful for digestive problems in particular. It works by stimulating the production of saliva and digestive juices in the gut. However, it also boasts anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties. This herb has been used to treat liver and gallbladder diseases. This herb is also used to treat anorexia and poor appetite due to depression. Some natural herbalists use the thistle to support the health of the female reproductive system. It also appears to aid circulation throughout the body. This is a very safe and versatile herb.

Burdock Root. Burdock root is a mild diuretic. It increases the production of both urine and sweat, potentially making it useful in treating swelling and fever. Burdock root might play a role in preventing liver damage caused by alcohol, chemicals, or medications. The exact reason for this protective effect is not known, but it is thought to involve opposition of a chemical process called oxidation, which occurs in the body as a natural function of metabolism. Although oxidation is a natural process, that doesn't mean it isn't harmful to the body! One result of oxidation is the release of oxygen free radicals, which are chemicals that may suppress immune function. Antioxidants such as burdock may protect body cells from damage caused by oxidation.

. Kelp is a sea vegetable that is a concentrated source of minerals, including: iodine, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron. Kelp as a source of iodine assists in making the thyroid hormones, which are necessary for maintaining normal metabolism in all cells of the body. This increases energy levels and helps make it easier to maintain a healthy body weight. Kelp is the most nutrient-dense of all the essiac tea ingredients--and it isn't found in four herb formulas.

Red Clover
. Red clover is a source of many valuable nutrients, including: calcium, chromium, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, and vitamin C. Red clover is also one of the richest sources of isoflavones (water-soluble chemicals that act like estrogens and are found in many plants). The isoflavones found in red clover have been studied for their effectiveness in treating some forms of cancer. It is thought that the isoflavones prevent the proliferation of cancer cells and that they may even destroy cancer cells.

Sheep Sorrel
(includes root). Sheep sorrel is a rich source of oxalic acid, sodium, potassium, iron, manganese, phosphorous, beta carotene, and vitamin C. This essiac tea ingredient is a mild diuretic, mild antiseptic, and a mild laxative. Our blend contains the sheep sorrel root. It's 20% root.

Slippery Elm Bark.
Slippery elm bark has been used as a poultice for cuts and bruises, and also for aching joints due to gout or other causes. Besides being an essiac tea ingredient, this herb is also used to alleviate sore throats. Slippery elm bark is found in many lozenges that claim to soothe throat irritation. Since a sore throat and a cough are often linked, slippery elm bark has also been used in cough remedies. It also regulates the elimination process of digestion, easing both constipation and diarrhea.

Turkish Rhubarb Root
. This detoxifying herb is world-famous for its healing properties. Rhubarb root purges the body of bile, parasites, and stagnating food in the gut by stimulating the gall duct to expel toxic waste matter. It has been shown to alleviate chronic liver problems by cleansing the liver. Rhubarb root improves digestion and helps regulate the appetite. It has also been shown to help heal ulcers, alleviate disorders of the spleen and colon, relieve constipation, and help heal hemorrhoids and bleeding in the upper digestive tract.

. High in Vitamin C, watercress is used as a general tonic, and its bitter taste is thought to regulate the appetite and improve digestion. It can be used to alleviate nervous conditions, constipation, and liver disorders. Watercress is a popular cough and bronchitis remedy. It contains a remarkable substance called rhein, which appears to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines. It is believed that rhein is also effective against Candida albicans (yeast infection), fever and inflammation, and pain.

: Essiac is not FDA tested and has not been FDA approved as a treatment or cure for any health problem, including cancer. HelpingCancerVictims does not represent it as such on this site. You must determine whether essiac is a treatment method you should pursue. The distributor believes their formula is the most effective essiac formula being sold in the world, and that their essiac tea ingredients are of the highest quality. However, this web-master does not endorse anything on there site as medical fact.

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Herbs, natural grown plants can not be patented by the pharmaceutical houses. Is it any wonder why the FDA or the AMA does not approve of using natural grown plants as medicine? Consider investing $100,000,000.00 to prove Essiac Tea is a "safe and effective" remedy for cancer and then own nothing in return; makes no economic sense. Traditional treatments for cancer are effective in five-percent (5%) of cases (radiation, chemo therapy and surgery). Rene Cassie (non-doctor) claims an eighty percent successes rate using Essiac Tea. You be the judge.  

Disclaimer: Throughout this website, statements are made pertaining to the properties and/or functions of food and/or nutritional products. The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Users assume all responsibility for the application of the content on themselves. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and these materials and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information and/or products on this website are reproduced are not meant to replace and/or to ignore the advice of a practicing physician.

This website, HELPING CANCER VICTIMS, is NOT a 501(c)(3) enterprise. Your support makes it possible for every visitor to recognize there may be an alternative to your well-being. Supporting this mission may save lives. I am trying to spread the truth about cancer, as I see it (non-doctor). Your generous donation will help me to continue this research and expose the truth, as I see it; cancer is not a death sentence, is reversible and or preventable with the right knowledge / information. There is no money available for the prevention of cancer, only for a cure after the fact. If everyone that visits donates one-dollar ($1.00) could save a life by supporting this website, with its alternative view point. What is one life worth? Conventional cancer treatment may cost an individual between $200,000.00 - $1,000,000.00. Most people can afford to pay for the alternatives found on this website that is why (in my opinion) most of these alternative treatments are considered quackery by the FDA and the AMA. Furthermore, none of the remedies discussed herein involve expensive patented pharmaceuticals that have never cured any disease, not one, ever. Come back and visit often, I am just getting started… John Korman (561) 393-0773, please leave a message and I will return your call within 24 hours.