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Dr. Johanna Budwig (1908 - 2003) was nominated for the Nobel Prize seven times for discovering the healing power of flax seed oil combined with low fat cottage cheese, with mild exercise and a little sun can not only halt cancer but reverse it.
In 1952, Dr. Johanna Budwig was the German Government's Senior Expert on lipids and pharmacology and was considered one of the leading global authorities on fats and oils. During her research, she discovered that many of the conventional processed fats and hydrogenated oils were destroying the membranes of our cells, and this caused diseased cells and toxicity.
Dr. Budwig was considered an expert in several fields such as pharmacology, physics, and chemistry; specifically, the chemistry of fats, contributing to the Federal Research Institute of Fats and Oils.  Today, her discoveries are still held in high regard.

Thanks to Dr. Johanna Budwig I learned firsthand the importance of adding essential fatty acids to my diet. Her research clearly showed how these oils benefit the organism in its recovery and regeneration, thus effectively treating some 50 common diseases, including cancer and tumor growths.

To understand the full diet, her book will have to be purchased (links to her books are below). In Dr. Budwig's protocol, there is much more than just flax oil and cottage cheese. This is a very, very powerful protocol when done properly and has healed thousands of people with chronic and terminal diseases.
The cells of our body fire electrically. They have a nucleus in the center of the cell which is positively charged, and the cell membrane, which is the outer lining of the cell, is negatively charged. We are all aware of how fats clog up our veins and arteries and are the leading cause of heart attacks, but we never looked beyond that to see how these very dangerous fats and oils are affecting the overall health of our minds and bodies at the cellular level.
Dr. Budwig discovered that when unsaturated fats have been chemically treated, their unsaturated qualities are destroyed and the field of electrons removed. This commercial processing of fats destroys the field of electrons that the cell membranes (60-75 trillion cells) in our bodies must have to fire properly.
The fats' ability to associate with protein and thereby to achieve water solubility in the fluids of the living body-all this is destroyed. As Dr. Budwig put it, "the battery is dead because the electrons in these fats and oils recharge it." When the electrons are destroyed the fats are no longer active and cannot flow into the capillaries and through the fine capillary networks. This is when circulation problems arise.
Without the proper metabolism of fats in our bodies, every vital function and every organ is affected. This includes the generation of new life and new cells. Our bodies produce over 500 million new cells daily. Dr. Budwig points out that in growing new cells, there is a polarity between the electrically positive nucleus and the electrically negative cell membrane with its high unsaturated fatty acids. During cell division, the cell, and new daughter cell must contain enough electron-rich fatty acids in the cell's surface area to divide off completely from the old cell. When this process is interrupted the body begins to die. In essence, these commercially processed fats and oils are shutting down the electrical field of the cells allowing chronic and terminal diseases to take hold of our bodies.
Dr. Budwig noted that "The formation of tumors usually happens as follows. In those body areas which normally host many growth processes, such as in the skin and membranes, the glandular organs, for example, the liver and pancreas or the glands in the stomach and intestinal tract-it is here that the growth processes are brought to a stand still. Because the polarity is missing, due to the lack of electron rich highly unsaturated fat, the course of growth is disturbed-the surface-active fats are not present; the substance becomes inactive before the maturing and shedding process of the cells ever takes place, which results in the formation of tumors."
Dr. Budwig points out that tumors can be reversed by providing the simple foods, cottage cheese, and flax seed oil which revises the stagnated growth processes. This causes the tumor to dissolve and the whole range of symptoms which indicate a "dead battery are cured." Dr. Budwig did not believe in the use of growth-inhibiting treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation. She was quoted as saying "I flat declare that the usual hospital treatments today, in a case of tumorous growth, most certainly leads to worsening of the disease or a speedier death, and in healthy people, quickly causes cancer."
Dr. Budwig discovered that when she combined flaxseed oil with its powerful healing nature of essential electron rich unsaturated fats, and cottage cheese, rich in sulfur protein, the chemical reaction produced makes the oil water soluble and easily absorbed into the cell membrane.
Not only had Dr Budwig been using her protocol for treating cancer in Europe, but she also treated other chronic diseases such as arthritis, heart infarction, irregular heart beat, psoriasis, eczema (other skin diseases), immune deficiency syndromes (Multiple Sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases), diabetes, lungs (respiratory conditions), stomach ulcers, liver, prostate, strokes, brain tumors, brain (strengthens activity), arteriosclerosis and other chronic diseases. Dr. Budwig's protocol proved successful where orthodox traditional medicine was failing.
Since Dr. Budwig mentioned the strengthening of the brain, this protocol may work on Multiple Sclerosis, ALS "Lou Gehrig's Disease," Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease could also be significantly impacted with her protocol. This protocol could have the greatest impact early into the disease, and could possibly reverse these diseases entirely, caught early.
Dr. Budwig pointed out in her book that she often took very sick cancer patients from the hospital with only hours or a few days left to live and had very good results with her protocol, most of the time.
Budwig Protocol; dosage is 6 tablespoons (85ml or 3oz) of flax oil mixed with about 12 tablespoons (170ml or 6oz) of 1% or 2% fat cottage cheese, liquify and eat the mixture as soon as it is blended.
Dr. Budwig states "What we need in Europe today, in Germany as well as in Switzerland, America, and France, what we really need are electron rich highly unsaturated fats. The moment two unsaturated double links occur together in a fatty acid chain, the effects are multiplied and in the highly unsaturated fats, the so-called "linoleic" acids, there is generated a field of electrons, a veritable electrical charge which can be quickly conducted off into the body, thus causing a recharging of the living substance - especially of the brain and nerves. It is exactly those highly unsaturated fatty acids which play a decisive role in the respiratory functioning of the body. Without these fatty acids, the enzymes in the breath can not function and we asphyxiate, even when given extra oxygen, as for examples in hospitals. The lack of these highly unsaturated fatty acids paralyzes many vital functions. Primarily, it cuts off the air we breath. We can not survive without air and food and we cannot survive without these fatty acids - that was proven long ago."
Dr. Budwig, in her book, brought up other areas of interest and how electron-rich fats affect other vital functions of the body. I will mention them, but will not go into any detail, as one may purchase her books to learn much more than presented in this paper. The lack of electron rich unsaturated fats affect respiratory enzyme function - It is basically proven that highly unsaturated fatty acids are the undiscovered decisive factor in achieving the desired effect of cellular respiratory stimulation:
        All glands of the body
    Brain Function- Including mental and spiritual
Scholastic performance of children
        Function of the Heart - Proper firing of the heart
        Marital infertility
        Moral and behavior problems
        Human sexual relationships
        Cell division
        Formation of tumors
        Ingestion of wrong fats - Humans will eat six times their normal amount of food

Dr. Budwig, in her book, also brought up the relationship between the Fats Syndrome, Electrons, Photons, and Solar Energy provided by the Sun. She pointed out that the sun is an inexhaustible source of energy and an element of life that affects the vital functions of the body. This, in part, is due to the photons in sunlight which are the purest form of energy, the purest wave, and in continual movement. Dr. Budwig states, "… electrons are already a constituent of matter, even though they are also in continual movement and that electrons love photons, attracting each other due to their magnetic fields. There is nothing else on earth with a higher concentration of photons of the sun's energy than man. This concentration of the sun's energy - very much an iso-energetic point for humans, with their eminently suitable wavelengths - is improved when we eat food which has electrons which in turn attract the electromagnetic waves of sunbeams, of photons."
"A high amount of these electrons which are on the wavelength of the sun's energy, are to be found, for example, in seed oils. Scientifically, these oils are even known as electron-rich essential highly unsaturated fats. But, when people began to treat fats to make them keep longer, no-one stopped to consider the consequences of this, for the existence and higher development of the human race. These vitally important amounts of electrons, with their continual movement and the wonderful reaction of light, were destroyed."
Dr. Budwig found when she treated patients and had them lie in the sun she noticed they started feeling much better and became rejuvenated. She referred to the sun as having a stimulating effect on the secretions of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, bladder and salivary glands. Dr. Budwig also stated "Matter always has its own vibration, and so, of course, does the living body. The absorption of energy must correspond to one's own wavelength. It appears apparently that sunlight is absolutely essential for the stimulation effect of the vital functions of the mind and body, contributing to the factors which allow the body to heal itself."
Dr. Budwig mentioned that doctors tell patients and cancer patients to avoid the sun as they can't tolerate it and that is correct. She says once these patients start on her oil-protein nutritional advice for two or three days which means they have been getting sufficient amounts of essential fats, they can then tolerate the sun very well. She said the patients then tell her how much better they feel as their vitality and vigor is re-stimulated.
The last of the points mentioned by Dr. Budwig, and maybe the most important, is the electrons in our food serve as the resonance system for the sun's energy and are truly the element of life. Man acts as an antenna for the sun. The interplay between the photons in the sunbeams and the electrons in the seed oils and our foods governs all the vital functions of the body.
This has to be one of the greatest discoveries ever made as this combination promotes healing in the body of chronic and terminal diseases. In one of her books, Dr. Budwig states "Various highly trained and educated individuals are dismayed and irritated by the fact that serious medical conditions can be cured by cottage cheese and flaxseed oil."
The mixing of the oil and cottage cheese allows for the chemical reaction to take place between the sulfur protein in the cottage cheese and the oil, which makes the oil water soluble for easy absorption into your cells.
The Budwig Protocol
The mixing ratio is two tablespoons of cottage cheese to one tablespoon of oil. Mix only the amount you are consuming at one time so it is mixed fresh each and every time. One example would be to mix (4) tablespoons of cottage cheese to (2) tablespoons of flax oil, consumed twice daily or more depending on the severity of the health condition, one is attempting to address. One should probably start slowly with the oil, maybe just once a day and work their way up letting the body adjust to the protocol. The oil and the cottage cheese must be thoroughly mixed at a low speed, using an Immersion Blender, blending until a creamy texture with no standing oil is achieved. The mixture should then be immediately consumed.
Do not add anything to the mixture until after it is mixed. Here is a link to an immersion mixer [stick or wand like] mixer for the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese. You may want to consider sprinkling a tablespoon or two of freshly ground flaxseed over the top of the freshly mixed flax oil and cottage cheese mixture. Mix this in by hand. This supercharges the protocol. Do not buy pre-ground flax seed as the flax seed goes rancid 15 minutes after grinding. Brown or golden whole flaxseed is available at the health food stores and either will work. You may grind up the fresh flax seed with a small coffee grinder. Store the seeds in the refrigerator and grind fresh each time.
You may also stir in with a spoon 2-3 tablespoons of organic low-fat milk for a creamier mixture. This can be mixed in by hand after the initial blending. The mixture can be flavored differently every day by adding nuts, preferably organic such as pecans, almonds or walnuts (not peanuts), banana, organic cocoa, organic shredded coconut, pineapple (fresh), blueberries, raspberries, cinnamon, or (freshly) squeezed fruit juice. It's usually best to place the fresh fruit on top of the completed mixture and enjoy as its own meal. Try your best to obtain organic fruit when possible. Many times this can be found frozen when not in season.
Dr. Budwig pointed out that people who are suffering from chronic or terminal disease should work themselves up to consuming 4 - 8 Tbs of the oil daily. Usually, the higher limits 6-8 Tbsp were for people with cancer. She stated people with liver or pancreatic cancer etc, may have to work up very slowly with the oil and possibly only start with 1 teaspoon at a time giving their body time to adjust. Dr. Budwig pointed out that cancer patients once starting the protocol and getting it under control must continue with a maintenance dose to prevent reoccurrence. A maintenance dose is considered (1) Tbsp of the oil per 100 pounds of body weight. The Budwig Diet takes time to work and in the event of cancer, tumors, etc may take 3-6 months to see results. Many other health issues may respond much faster.
Also here is a very good YouTube video which actually shows how to make the flax oil and cottage cheese mixture correctly. When starting the protocol you would not want to make such a large amount at first, as shown in the video. If you are lactose intolerant you may want to try the following. Since commercial milk is pasteurized, beneficial bacteria and enzymes in the milk and dairy products are destroyed. This has led to a number of people having difficulty in tolerating quark or cottage cheese.
Dairy is an important component in Dr. Budwig's Oil-Protein Diet. Because good substitutes are hard to find, it is worthwhile for those who are lactose intolerant to try different ways of tolerating dairy.
Some possibilities (in no particular order):
                Use raw milk and raw milk products if you can get them.
        Use goat's milk instead of cow's milk products.
        Take the enzyme Lactase cottage cheese with quark or cottage cheese without the Lactase if you are going to grind fresh flax-seeds.                
Try Nancy's Cottage Cheese which is made with lactic cultures, found at WholeFoods. For more details, including a store locator, go to this website:

        Make yogurt quark
        Make kefir quark (straining kefir to get a cream cheese consistency)
        Get kefir grains, make kefir, remove grains, and strain through fine muslin cloth.
To learn more, do a Google search for "kefir".
Kefir cottage cheese (or quark) is most certainly one solution for lactose intolerant people. It works like a charm.
If one does not wish to make kefir, it can be purchased from the health food store in the refrigerated section. Organic Kefir comes in a liquid and the oil may be stirred into the kefir and consumed. It tastes very good. Make sure the oil is totally dissolved into the kefir before consuming. You may want to check with the health food store and see if they have a kefir cheese similar to cottage cheese which should work, as long as the flax oil blends in and does not float back to the top.
In the case of a person with a feeding tube, one could mix flax oil into the organic kefir by hand as mentioned above. Then pour into the feeding tube. Again, this can be done using ¼ cup kefir to 1 tablespoon of the flax oil and given throughout the day at different times. You may be able to use even a little more oil with the ¼ cup kefir. One may have to play with the mixture to get the desired results. Make sure there is no oil floating on top of the kefir before pouring into the feeding tube.
Dr. Budwig noted prior to administering her protocol she had observed blood analysis of seriously ill cancer patients which showed a strange greenish-yellow substance in the place of the healthy red oxygen carrying hemoglobin. She found their blood, without exception, was deficient in substances called phosphatides and lipoproteins. It has also been found that most people have blood that is 80 percent deficient in Omega 3. Dr. Budwig found that cancer patient's blood, after three months of using her protocol, returned to bright red and the tumors began disappearing. Weakness and anemia disappeared and the life energy was restored. Symptoms of cancer, liver dysfunction, and diabetes were completely alleviated.
It has been mentioned in several articles that once a chronic or terminal disease has been brought under control or into remission the amount of flax oil may be reduced to 1 tablespoon per 100 pounds of body weight for maintenance. To prevent reoccurrence of the cancer one should stay on the maintenance dose.
If yogurt is used in place of the cottage cheese it will require three times more yogurt to be consumed than cottage cheese as it lacks the protein density of cottage cheese. Even then, this may not be as effective. There is some question, as Dr. Budwig never addressed this issue. The yogurt will have to be (live cultures, not the kind in the supermarket). An example of using the yogurt would be a ¾ cup of yogurt to 1 tablespoon of flax oil.
The following items listed below should be avoided on this diet.
(The reason one needs to exclude these items from his / her diet is that they interfere with the diet by lowering the voltage field in the cells.)
        All animal fats
        All meats
        Salad dressing oils- exception extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar or lemon
        Foods high in Preservatives
Dr. Budwig Diet Plan
Dr. Budwig has a diet plan that is available in her cookbook, The Oil Protein Diet Cook Book. It can be purchased from www.amazon.com for around $10.
Most people begin gradually adding healthy foods & liquids and eliminating damaging ones. The diet seems simple, but foods are powerful and can damage or heal a person. This protocol has over a 90 percent success rate, with all kinds of cancer patients, according to Dr. Budwig, and those who studied and reported on her work in Germany over a 50-year period. Many research studies done in the last 10 years support the cancer-fighting value of the foods, juices, sun exposure, and relaxation which Dr. Budwig recommended.
To start the diet, it helps to have three appliances. One is a coffee bean grinder to grind the whole brown flaxseeds sold in health food stores or online. In Dr. Budwig's protocol, she used 2-3 tablespoons daily of the ground up flax seed. The flax seeds should be ground and used immediately. They must be consumed within 15 minutes of grinding or considered rancid. They can be used in cereals, oatmeal, shakes etc.
The 2nd appliance is an immersion hand-held mixer, a somewhat stick-shaped mixer, to blend the flaxseed oil [FO] and the cottage cheese [CC] together so that they become one food, making the oil water-soluble and more absorbable to the cells of the body.
The third appliance needed is a vegetable juicer . A masticating-type may give a more healthful juice than a centrifugal type. Purchasing a vegetable juicer is absolutely essential.
Patients with liver, gallbladder or pancreatic cancer, may need to start with a lesser amount of the oil and build up slowly to Dr. Budwig's recommended dosage.
SUNSHINE - Sun on the skin is very healthful for vitamin D and other benefits but avoid burning. If you feel up to having some exercise, INDIVIDUALIZE IT ACCORDING TO YOUR STRENGTH NEVER OVERDO IT. Dr. Budwig did not push the idea of exercise, she felt that one needs rest to heal. So, take caution. [For those who can exercise, besides walking, a rebounder (a small, round trampoline) is beneficial for the lymph system, heart and circulation. RELAXATION IN THE SUN IF POSSIBLE to relieve stress is healing - nature, music, chat, laughter. [On days when you cannot be in the sun, high-quality, cold-pressed cod liver oil offers vitamin D and other benefits].
DR BUDWIG STRESSED THAT IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO AVOID UNHEALTHY FOODS and SUBSTANCES such as hydrogenated fats, animal fats, sugar, white flour, preservatives, chemicals and processed foods. Avoid leftovers - food should be prepared fresh and eaten soon after preparation to get the health-giving electrons and enzymes - within 15-20 minutes. At least three times a day drink a warm liquid, such as green or herbal teas, sweeten only with raw honey. Keep a food diary. Avoid stress and anxiety; take time to relax and enjoy each day. Listen to beautiful music, laugh, do deep breathing, connect with nature, and spend time with people you like. Dr Budwig spoke about the damaging effects of stress. Also, she did not include supplements or drugs in her protocol. Some supplements, especially high amounts of antioxidants, can interfere with how well the diet works, as can some drugs.
The Budwig Protocol
Over the years, I have been given a lot of different advice as well, so when I heard about Dr. Budwig's protocol I too was very skeptical, until I tried it. Numerous, independent clinical cancer studies published in major medical journals world-wide confirm Dr. Budwig's findings. Over 40 years ago, Dr. Budwig presented clear and convincing evidence, which has been confirmed by hundreds of other related scientific research papers since, that the essential fatty acids were at the core of the answer to the cancer problem.
~ Robert E. Willner, MD, PhD (The Cancer Solution)
Only three of Dr. Budwig's books have been translated from German into English at this time. For more information on where to purchase Dr. Budwig's books check out the web-sites below. It was very difficult to find the newly released third book.
Flax Oil As A True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer And Other Diseases - Can be purchased Here from Amazon.com.

The Oil Protein Diet Cook Book - Can be purchased Here from Amazon.com.

Cancer  The Problem and The Solution - Can be purchased Here from Amazon.com.

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This website, HELPING CANCER VICTIMS, is NOT a 501(c)(3) enterprise. Your support makes it possible for every visitor to recognize there may be an alternative to your well-being. Supporting this mission may save lives. I am trying to spread the truth about cancer, as I see it (non-doctor). Your generous donation will help me to continue this research and expose the truth, as I see it; cancer is not a death sentence, is reversible and or preventable with the right knowledge / information. There is no money available for the prevention of cancer, only for a cure after the fact. If everyone that visits donates one-dollar ($1.00) could save a life by supporting this website, with its alternative view point. What is one life worth? Conventional cancer treatment may cost an individual between $200,000.00 - $1,000,000.00. Most people can afford to pay for the alternatives found on this website that is why (in my opinion) most of these alternative treatments are considered quackery by the FDA and the AMA. Furthermore, none of the remedies discussed herein involve expensive patented pharmaceuticals that have never cured any disease, not one, ever. Come back and visit often, I am just getting started… John Korman (561) 393-0773, please leave a message and I will return your call within 24 hours.